Adersia oestroides Karsch, 1888 - Identification

Eyes bare, separate in both sexes. Ocelli present, placed in a projecting tubercle; the posterior ocelli are intercepted by an imaginary post·orbital line. Frontal band with callosity; measuring one third of the total height of the head. Proboscis (yellowish) and palpi extremely short and small. Wings milky white, with yellowish veins and with indistinct stigma, all posterior cells open. It has well developed pulvilli (as long as the claws). The female is uniformerly grey or yellowish grey; the male has the abdomen of this colour with a median grey stripe, sometimes the tergites 5 and 6 are uniformerly greyish.

Original description by Karsch:

Redescription by Austen 1912:

Illustrations of male and female head in Surcouf 1921:
Fig 8:

Illustration of head in Dias 1960:

Recorded from the coast of Tanzania and Zanzibar to the Eastern Cape of South Africa. Found on sandy beaches, often resting on wet sand.

iNat observation:

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