Tabanus pertinens Austen, 1912 - Identification

Smallish, greyish, elongate species, with eyes in male densely clothed above with fine, short, pale hair, front in female broad, frontal callus in female absent or scarcely noticeable. The eyes are remarkably brilliant and unique, having a combination of bands and spots. The female eye has a ground colour of a clear shining green with a broad transverse crimson band. In the lower part of each eye are two crimson spots. In the male eye the above pattern is reproduced in the lower small-facetted area; the upper portion is also banded with the same colours, but they are much less brilliant and less clearly defined. The dorsum of abdomen in both sexes marked (as shown in fig. 2) with four series of elongate black or clove-brown marks, forming four narrow longitudinal stripes, which are more or less interrupted on the hind margins of the segments. (Lateral spots of abdomen squareish, filling most of the side).

Detailled description and illustration in Austen 1911:
Austen, E. (1911). New African species of Tabanus.—Part I. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 2(4), 279-290. doi:10.1017/S0007485300001516

A savanna species ranging from West and East Africa to South Africa (Zululand).

iNat observations:

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