Tabanus ustus Walker, 1850 - Identification

Large powerful species; 19 to 23 mm. Body blackish. Thorax clothed with brown hairs, with five dull tawny stripes. Abdomen ferruginous, obconical, very little longer than the thorax, clothed with short black hairs, blackish towards the tip; on each segment a triangular tawny spot, which rests on the hind border, and is clothed with tawny hairs; the median triangles of the abdomen have the full height of the segments and are wide at the base; the lateral spots are more or less distinct, vaguely four-sided. Wings gray, dark brown along the fore border, pale brown along the borders of the veins; veins blackish.

Original description by Walker:

Illustrated in Austen:

Illustration of frons in:
Lamerton, J. F. 1962. Key to the Tabanidae of Tanganyika. E. Afr. agric. J. 28 ( 1 ) : 40-54

Illustrated in:
Surcouf, J. M. R. and Ricardo, G. (1909). Étude Monographique des Tabanides. dʼAfrique.

Widespread in the Afrotropical region. Common on the KZN coast.

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