Bryophytes of Ontario的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2018年12 月


Provincial checklist in iNaturalist

With @tristanlknight having an electronic copy in pdf form of the Atlas of Ontario Mosses, I have started the process of uploading that list into iNaturalist as a checklist.

I believe I read when going through the document it documented 490 species of moss in Ontario, so it will take a little time for me to create the complete checklist (the document is a pdf, so not great for electronic manipulation).

The checklist is here :

The atlas is in the public domain, so if you want a copy of the pdf, I can direct you where to find it, or send a copy.

As always if you know someone who would be interested in the project, be sure to let them know about it, and of course to encourage anyone you know who may have records to contribute to load them up, or join onto iNaturalist.

Happy December-

由使用者 cmcheatle cmcheatle2018年12月08日 21:08 所貼文 | 5 評論 | 留下評論


200 species documented

Not sure I can deterimine which species, or observer was responsible for the milestone, but looking at the home page of the project this evening, I see it has hit the 200 species milestone.

由使用者 cmcheatle cmcheatle2018年12月13日 00:43 所貼文 | 1 評論 | 留下評論
