Bryophytes of Ontario的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2019年1月


Year end summary

Now that 2018 is in the rear-view mirror, a quick summary of results in the project for 2018. The numbers may change slightly with any belated entries (I know I still have a few to add).

2018 ended with 2,334 observations being submitted, which represented 182 different species documented in the year from 398 different observers.

If all time submissions are counted, the numbers grow to 3,558 total records having been submitted representing 201 species from 620 observers.

Right now (yes I know this group is hard to nail down sometimes), 32% of records have reached research grade status, meaning they have been reviewed, and at least 2 people agree to the identification.

Good hunting to all for 2019, both in bryophytes and other areas.

由使用者 cmcheatle cmcheatle2019年01月02日 19:58 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
