City Nature Challenge 2023: Teton County, WY的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2023年5月


Post and Identify!

Thank you to everyone that participated in the City Nature Challenge for Teton County! I am beyond thrilled at the level of engagement we had. We have 327 observations that captured at least 145 species. The 19 observers we show on the project is an undercount because we know that the Munger Mountain Elementary School BioBlitz supported by Teton Science School reached a much broader audience.

You can still post observations that were made during the challenge until May 7. Final results will be calculated and posted on the project page on May 8.

The iNat volunteer identifiers are hard at work going through over 1.5 MILLION observations made globally over this year’s City Nature Challenge. Don’t worry if your observation isn’t IDed immediately. It may take a while to get through them all.

If you want to help with the ID effort, some resources for learning to ID via iNat are below.

Learning to ID on iNaturalist

Observation by @sacjackson

Observation by @birder0288

Observation by @will1929

Observation by @shea0307

Observation by @mmeslobos

由使用者 whitneybrook whitneybrook2023年05月03日 02:57 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
