City Nature Challenge 2023: Teton County, WY的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2023年6月


CNC Teton County Results!

Thank you for participating in the 2023 City Nature Challenge! Globally over 65,000 people participated from 482 city teams. There were 1.9 MILLION observations of cataloging nearly 58,000 species of which 2,570 are rare/endangered. Read more about the global event on the 2023 CNC journal.

In our local BioBlitz, we made 335 observations, cataloguing 155 species (8 of which are threatened/endangered). The most popular species to observe was tree swallow. Our observations included:

  • 46 plant species
  • 46 birds species
  • 25 insects species
  • 15 mammal species
  • 4 arachnid species
  • 4 mollusk species
  • 4 fungi species
  • 2 fish species
  • 1 amphibian species

Nearly 40% are already research grade and can immediately be used for research. Many more will eventually be identified to research grade.

Our BioBlitz also WON the regional Northern Rocky Mountain Biodiversity Challenge. Teton County had the highest per capita participation of all the communities in the challenge. Thanks to the Teton Science School Grad Program for their outreach efforts. Helping at Munger Elementary BioBlitz and the R-Park Educational Event helped get the word out and improve the quality of our observations.

If you had fun participating in the City Nature Challenge, consider participating in future BioBlitzes. These are spread out across the year, which will give an opportunity to explore and record our amazing biodiversity. But you don’t have to wait for a BioBlitz to post observations. Spring is finally here!

Upcoming Bioblitzes in and around Teton County

2023 Summer Northern Rocky Mountain Biodiversity Challenge

2023 Wyoming Bioblitz

2023 Fall Northern Rocky Mountain Biodiversity Challenge

Featured Photos:

Tree Swallow Observation by @mmeslobos

Moose Observation by @delbachert

Stone Centipede Observation by @mmeslobos

Mountain Snail Observation by @alorenz

Bison Observation by @bkuhn21

Bladder Snail Observation by @lredler

Mountain Lion Track Observation by @nataliej907

Mourning Cloak Observation by @whitneybrook

Waiting for permission

Redside Shiner Observation by @erik789

由使用者 whitneybrook whitneybrook2023年06月03日 15:09 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
