Aug 14 & 21 - Observing flies

We're happy to announce another online meeting! Here are the details:

This week we'll be focusing more on the observing side of things, rather than strictly identifying. We'll discuss how to take good, identifiable photos of Diptera, including the proper angles, how to get close without losing the subject, etc. On the 14th, we'll work together to create a list of observing tactics including the noted things. On the 21st, I plan to be out in a local park, taking photos of flies real-time to put our effort to the test. On the 14th we will also determine a time earlier in the day on the 21st that will work well, so that those who wish to can join me in the field (online) to use our shared knowledge!

Just as a reminder: our meetings are entirely informal, and everyone is invited to speak their minds and ask questions to the group. Participation is key to learning!

Please leave a comment either to let us know if you're planning to come or to subscribe to be notified of future events! Questions are also welcome.

The Zoom meetings will open at 8 PM EDT on Sunday the 14th, and TBD PM EDT on Sunday the 21st.

Join the Zoom Meeting here: Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 874 5687 3015

Passcode: diptera

Click here to sign up to join our emailing list!

由使用者 zdanko zdanko2022年08月11日 23:17 所貼文


hoping to make it, this sounds great and thanks for keeping me subscribed to the updates!

發佈由 adamkohl 超過 1 年 前

Great idea! I hope I can join both of these meetings.

發佈由 carol-in-maine 超過 1 年 前

Awesome to hear it!

發佈由 zdanko 超過 1 年 前

Hopefully I will be able to make this meeting (14th), Thank you for keeping us informed.

發佈由 musellarose 超過 1 年 前

That meeting for the 21st sounds awesome! I'll hopefully be able to get out in the field as well

發佈由 coolcrittersyt 超過 1 年 前

I look forward to possibly being able to attend in the earlier time slot for the 21st! Thanks for that.

發佈由 benarmstrong 超過 1 年 前


發佈由 zdanko 超過 1 年 前

I will join you tomorrow. Looking forward to it.
I am also open to any time the following Sunday.

發佈由 judya 超過 1 年 前


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