Flies of the US and Canada的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2021年2月


Top Identifiers of January 2021 observations

As winter warms up, we look nervously ahead to the possible doubling of fly observations again in 2021 ..... top identifiers of our January-uploaded observations:

By state/province:
Alberta @treegrow British Columbia @ceiseman Manitoba @friesen5000 New Brunswick @ceiseman Newfoundland and Labrador @kwolgemuth Northwest Territories @ Nova Scotia @johnklymko Nunavut @treegrow Ontario @joebartok Prince Edward Island @ceiseman Quebec @chrisangell Saskatchewan @melodi_96 Yukon @ospr3y
Alabama @spencerpote Alaska @gwark Arizona @trinaroberts Arkansas @streamsurfer California @trinaroberts Colorado @trinaroberts Connecticut @megachile Delaware @chrisangell Florida @trinaroberts Georgia @trinaroberts Hawaii @phycus Idaho @andrius Illinois @chrisangell Indiana @chrisangell Iowa @thebals Kansas @bug_eric Kentucky @thebals Louisiana @trinaroberts Maine @trinaroberts Maryland @trinaroberts Massachusetts @chrisangell Michigan @chrisangell Minnesota @guidingguida Mississippi @zdanko Missouri @lfelliott Montana @kschnei Nebraska @myelaphus Nevada @trinaroberts New Hampshire @andrius New Jersey @chrisangell New Mexico @tularosatabulator New York @ceiseman North Carolina @myelaphus North Dakota @melodi_96 Ohio @trinaroberts Oklahoma @alex_cicindela_guy Oregon @giantcicada Pennsylvania @chrisangell Rhode Island @b_coulter South Carolina @trinaroberts South Dakota @b_coulter Tennessee @spencerpote Texas @trinaroberts Utah @colinpurrington Vermont @chrisangell Virginia @trinaroberts Washington @trinaroberts Washington, D.C. @edanko West Virginia @randybodkins Wisconsin @zdanko Wyoming @trinaroberts

Taxa included in https://sites.google.com/view/flyguide :
Mydidae @phycus Syrphidae @trinaroberts (larvae/pupae @thebals Toxomerini @trinaroberts Syrphini @trinaroberts Bacchini @trinaroberts Paragini @trinaroberts Pipizini @ Merodontini @phycus Milesiini @trinaroberts Eristalini @trinaroberts Volucellini @trinaroberts Rhingiini @phycus Brachyopini @andy492 Microdontinae @phycus ) Pyrgotidae @spencerpote Calliphoridae @edanko Polleniidae @edanko

© Dan Fitzgerald (Fitz), some rights reserved (CC-BY-NC)

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