期刊歸檔用於 2023年3月


Taxonomy Nerds Rejoice!

Want to see a taxonomically ordered list of all the organisms for a project? This fun little search string from the iNaturalist forum (and from bouteloua via dianastuder) gives you an ordered list of all the organisms in a particular project (in this case, for my yard):


This makes it easier to spot particularly diverse groups. For example, I know I have a good array of woodpeckers (4 species in family Picidae), but not knowing the bird families well, I was a bit surprised to realize they were rivaled by 4 species of orioles & blackbirds (family Icteridae) and 4 species of finches (family Fringillidae) and outnumbered by sparrows & co. (family Passerellidae, 5 species). However, 9 species of orbweavers (family Araneidae) mean the spiders have even higher family diversity, and don't get me started on the butterflies...

由使用者 m_whitson m_whitson2023年03月30日 03:09 所貼文 | 2 評論 | 留下評論
