期刊歸檔用於 2020年6月


NYBG EcoFlora Update June 2020

The June EcoQuest Challenge is MAKE THE CONNECTION

New Yorkers have documented over 370,000 plants, fungi and animals across all five boroughs of New York City and uploaded them here to iNaturalist. The program is designed to capture photos and information about individual specimens, but sometimes our photos catch insects visiting flowers.

Documenting these connections can reveal hidden life webs. These connections inform conservation efforts to protect native plants and animals.


Find observations with insects on flowers. Use the Observation field to record the connection. Type in “Interaction->Visited flower of”. In the drop down field, type in “Plants- Kingdom Plantae”.

Click Add to save your work.

由使用者 danielatha danielatha2020年06月03日 12:54 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論