期刊歸檔用於 2022年10月


October EcoQuest Challenge


Galls are abnormal, vegetative growths that develop on various plant parts in reaction to the stimulus of insects, mites, nematodes, viruses, fungi, or even other plant species. The appearance of a gall is unique to the organism that creates it, and they sport a spectacular variety of shapes, colors, and textures. Oaks are most susceptible to galls and host over 500 gall-forming organisms. Although gall formers have a parasitic relationship with the plants they utilize, galls are rarely a cause for concern, and are not typically detrimental to their host.

Galls may be beautiful but they are under-observed on iNaturalist. EcoFlora challenges you to take a closer look at some of your favorite plants (especially oaks!) and see if you can find any signs of galls.

Lost at how to identify a gall? Check out these gall identification tools below to help you become a gall expert!


iNaturalist Gall ID Guide

Ohio State University Extension

由使用者 tohmi tohmi2022年10月03日 21:51 所貼文 | 2 評論 | 留下評論


EcoFlora Special Event


The New York City EcoFlora is collaborating with Bissel Gardens for a day of tending to the land and learning about the wildlife that grows in NYC. Come get your fingers dirty, spend the day outside, and build community. All ages welcome!

What is Bissel Gardens?

Bissel Gardens is a special and important place. The 2.5-acre community garden and four-block public path in the Wakefield section of the Bronx brings people together, beautifies the neighborhood, creates a safe outdoor space, offers community gardening, and grows food for donation. Bissel Gardens was the first community garden in the northeast Bronx and has served the community for almost 25 years. Over the length of the pandemic, Bissel Gardens lost important community members that acted as great stewards of the land. Without them, Bissel Gardens needs help to do the important work of clearing the land, tending to the soil, and getting the garden ready for winter. Along with a day working in the garden, we will also be surveying the plants and wildlife that grow in this greenspace. This is a great way to hone your plant ID skills and learn more about the plants that grow in NYC.

Help us in supporting Bissel Gardens by coming to volunteer, document the flora growing in the greenspace, or buying from their farmer's market!

Bissel Gardens Farmer's Market

Bissel Gardens Facebook Page

由使用者 tohmi tohmi2022年10月11日 02:34 所貼文 | 2 評論 | 留下評論