South Carolina Committed Naturalists Society的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2023年6月


South Carolina Committed Naturalists Society

Hi, in order to keep track of competitions and bioblitzes I advise you to please join
I need site admin. Our goal is to create id guides in our journal post for South Carolina. As well as encouraging people to join our group as well as Previous competitions such as Race for the Summer Tanager, and the Kinglet challenge will all be formed on this project. Please Join and happy Inatting!
If you have any competition or bioblitz ideas let me know here
@torgos23 @kkeivit @jtmartin54 @kcthetc1 @sharonoutside @sc_beetles @toxmace @sharleen_j @sudomir @pwilson96 @ferox_formicae @abiggs2 @matthew_campbell @kim_fleming @botanicaltreasures @johngrego @latraviata @picbor @ikirk @linaceae @ryan84 @hflamholtz @carolinashepherd @@ungberg

由使用者 wildlife13 wildlife132023年06月21日 16:20 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Ant Bioblitz

June 25-July 2 will be the annual ant bioblitz/competition. The goal is to strengthen our knowledge in ant species. The person with the most species within the confines of South Carolina and observed in the range of the event. Keep in mind the main goal is not winning (that was added for more fun) it’s for science. There are several species of ants unobserved in South Carolina. Most species are stuck at 1-3 obs. Please invite anyone in South Carolina to join South Carolina Commited Naturalists and participate in this project.

@ryan84 @jtmartin54 @abiggs2 @pwilson96 @sharleen_j

由使用者 wildlife13 wildlife132023年06月24日 02:07 所貼文 | 2 評論 | 留下評論