St. Thomas' on the Bayou的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2023年2月


St. Thomas' 2023, Day 47

70° F, 90% humidity, wind 9mph S, overcast and sprinkling. High-energy day. Storm predicted last night but did not come. Ground soggy from previous rain.

Cooper's hawk has returned! Calling from trees on S of property (Merlin app confirmed). Other birds heard calling: American robin, tufted titmouse, pine warbler, northern cardinal, Carolina chickadee, song sparrow, mourning dove, blue jay, Carolina wren, ruby-crowned kinglet, white-throated sparrow, house sparrow, red-bellied woodpecker, white-breasted nuthatch, fish crow.

Fungi: Exidia with ruffle lichen together, Stereum, brown-toothed crust fungus on fallen deciduous branches. Amanita sp on SE side of an oak tree that smelled of potatoes. Small white fuzzy patches growing on the soil in several places throughout the grounds: ( Agaricales spp ( in the lawn to the SW of the church. Club-like tuning fork on a couple of fallen pine branches. Checked that Mycena epipterygia had gone from pines and it had; noted it was still around in January.

Plants with leaves and flowers: Eastern redcedar, pines, Japanese camelia (reddish pink flowers--some still on bushes, others on the ground below), crossvine, violet (two purple flowers found), blackberries, lyreleaf sage, deadnettles (pinkish-purple flowers), mosses on bases of trees, woodsorrels, forsythia flowering (yellow flowers), daffodils flowering W of path near bayou.

Millipede snoozing in the soil between tree roots. I gently poked it and it moved a little bit.

由使用者 kimmiepaxton kimmiepaxton2023年02月16日 16:30 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
