St. Thomas' on the Bayou的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2023年3月


St Thomas' 2023, Day 68

St. Thomas' on the Bayou, Monroe, LA (32.539380, -92.068717)
60°F, 81% humidity, wind 4mph NE

General Observations and Birds:
Blue sky, a few cirrus clouds. Birds' songs were filling the slightly doggy-smelling air (someone was having a walk around the 1/3 mile walking path). When I arrived, there was a chunky fox squirrel sitting on the ground in a sunny patch beside a pine tree and there were eight dark-eyed juncos and one pine warbler pecking and hopping about in the parking lot/car park. Avian singers included: tufted titmouse, Carolina chickadee, red-bellied woodpecker, Cooper's hawk (from the southern part of the land), American robin and a wood duck (from the bayou). I saw "Cooper" flying around the trees on the northern edge and I had an overflight by a great blue heron. When I was examining a branch with its lichen, a robin perched on a branch in the oak tree quite close to me. We greeted each other and then he/she went on his/her way.

Spring has sprung and I observed the following flowering: violets, dogwoods, dandelions (some in flower/some with seed heads), tiny bluets, southern bluets, spring beauties, wisteria, azaleas, clovers, roses, dewberries, and crossvines. The crossvine flowers smell delicious: like a cross between curry and chocolate. The daffodils have finished their show for now.
Leaves are out and are coming out on the muscadines, sweetgums, black cherry and oaks.
Boxelder and oaks have catkins, some falling to the ground occasionally.

Parmotrema and Teloschistes lichens, dried Exidia, Stereum and Trametes were on the fallen deciduous branches.

Crane flies were bumbling about.

Cricket frogs were calling from the western bank of the bayou.

由使用者 kimmiepaxton kimmiepaxton2023年03月09日 18:18 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
