期刊歸檔用於 2019年9月


Illinois Native Plant Society Mixer @ The Garage Bar (aka Wink & Swillhelm)

Next month!

Wink & Swillhelm at The Garage Bar

Friday, October 18th, 2019
starting at 6:30PM and going to 9:30PMish or whenever
at The Garage Bar & Sandwiches, 6154 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago (Norwood Park)

Come meet and hang with other local botany and ecology enthusiasts at The Garage Bar in northwest Chicago! We'll be in the room upstairs. FB event for people who like that: https://www.facebook.com/events/2403057686577194/

Pretty informal, come whenever and no need to RSVP nor to be a current INPS member.
Though you should join! :) https://illinosplants.org/northeast-chapter/

In case you were wondering, Wink and Swillhelm is just a little play on Swink and Wilhelm's "Plants of the Chicago Region", an important book on our regional plant identification and ecology. :)

Hope to see you there!

fyi to some folks who have made observations in the area @aerintedesco @amyjurkowski @andrea14 @andrewphassos @anmolsingh1 @asampang @brdnrdr @dbild @deansy @debant @deirdre6767 @dziomber @eddiemoya @elfaulkner @grantfessler @iacampoverde @ilemma @inotherwordsfly @jackassgardener @jmmcclo @joelmc @js175 @k0zi @kennedy9094 @kpclemenz @liamoconnor11 @lukehuff @mabunimeh @maureenclare @mavina4 @mross5 @nathanbealedelvecchio @nicholasbiernadski @obamagaming @orbweb @ornithopsis @palmer1 @paulroots @pavoss64 @pfautsch @rachaelpatterson @rgraveolens @ruabean @sampickerill @sanguinaria33 @skrentnyjeff @susiesodini @taco2000 @tmurphy4 @tomlally @ulaniluu @yetikat
(and sorry if some of y'all that I tagged are under 21)

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2019年09月20日 13:24 所貼文 | 2 評論 | 留下評論