期刊歸檔用於 2020年1月


Welcome to the Illinois Botanists Big Year 2020!

And we're off! I see some of you have been out and about already. :)

Find the most plant species in Illinois in 2020 and rejoice in your victory! The year 2020 marks the fifth annual Illinois Botanists Big Year. Anyone may participate, from professional botanist to plant identification novice, by uploading photographic proof of their plant sightings to iNaturalist. Each observation will automatically count toward the contest if it meets the rules below.


  1. Must be a plant (bryophytes and vascular plants – native and non-native species are accepted),
  2. Observed in Illinois,
  3. Observed in 2020 (and uploaded by January 15th, 2021), and
  4. Research Grade (that means it must be “wild/naturalized” and that you need a photo, date, location, and at least two people or >2/3 consensus on a species ID, in order to confirm the identification accuracy)

Winning Categories:

The official website, where you can find previous years' results and other helpful information is: https://ill-inps.org/illinois-botanists-big-year

For those wondering, the 2019 results will be announced on January 26th, 2020.
You have until then to help contestants out with identification.

happy botanizing!

-cassi / @bouteloua

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2020年01月01日 21:26 所貼文 | 9 評論 | 留下評論


Nature & Science Book Swap @ INPS Chapter Meeting Jan 26th

On Sunday, January 26th, 2020 from 2PM to 5PM, join the Illinois Native Plant Society for the Northeast Chapter's Annual Chapter Meeting at Thatcher Woods in River Forest, Illinois.

We will gather for a brief meeting, including the awarding of the top participants in the Illinois Botanists Big Year 2019, followed by a nature and science-themed book swap.

This is a great event to learn about the Illinois Native Plant Society and meet other people interested in native plants. No need to be a member to attend. Light snacks and beverages will be provided. **Help us plan by RSVPing here: http://bit.ly/ne2020

Types of Books to Bring for the Book Swap:
🌿Field guides - of plants, animals, fungi, rocks, stars: anything related to the natural world
🌿Non-fiction related to nature and science
🌿Fiction related to nature and science
(Please do not bring: magazines, journals, or extremely outdated textbooks)

Book Swap Rules:

  1. Receive one ticket per book you bring
  2. During Round 1, you may exchange your ticket(s) for a book(s)
  3. Round 2 is a free-for-all; all books are up for grabs

Books remaining at the end of the event will be donated. If you have questions about the meeting or book swap, contact northeast.inps@gmail.com

**Help us plan by RSVPing here:

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2020年01月03日 20:17 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Survey Grants in Illinois for Scouting Threatened, Endangered, and Rare Species Populations

The Illinois Native Plant Society (INPS) has a new grant type available in 2020: the Survey Grant Program. This grant, up to $1500, will fund searches for Illinois Endangered, Threatened, or Rare species for which current data is inadequate to assess their status and for which field surveys and recovery recommendations are needed. INPS is working with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources to develop a priority list for the surveys. Experienced botanical field surveyors, either independent or associated with an institution, are invited to apply for this grant. Partnerships are encouraged.

The Survey Grant Program was developed to assess the status of Illinois Endangered and Threatened species through comprehensive field surveys in order to: 1) determine whether populations (Element Occurrences or EOs) are extant; 2) determine whether their listing status warrants change; 3) recommend recovery strategies for extant populations. The reports resulting from these surveys will be shared with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Natural Heritage Database, the Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board, and with landowners.

Learn more and apply here: https://illinosplants.org/2020-survey-grant/

The deadline is January 31st, so don't put it off!

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2020年01月07日 15:33 所貼文 | 1 評論 | 留下評論


Illinois Botanists Big Year 2019 Results!

And the winner is...

oof, it's close! Our top two competitors by number of plant species observed in Illinois in a single year are:

Derek Ziomber (@dziomber) with 1,149 species


Jared Gorrell (@wildlandblogger) with 1,136 species

As of 26 January 2020, @dziomber had 1,672 "research grade" (RG) observations of 1,149 species and @wildlandblogger had made 4,202 RG observations of 1,136 plant species for 2019. Congrats to you both! This year was a close race between our top two botanists and a bit nerve-wracking near the end as the species list just kept growing and growing! The data on iNaturalist are continually changing as new IDs come in, so these are just a snapshot. They each have over 100 more species that just didn't get confirmed.

Here they are in southern Illinois: Jared Gorrell (@wildlandblogger) on the left and Derek Ziomber (@dziomber) on the right. Thanks to Jeff Skrentny (@skrentnyjeff) for the photo. A phenomenal job by these two botanizers, both of whom broke 1000 research grade plant species for the first time in Illinois Botanists Big Year history, and who were actually numbers #13 and #14 by number of RG plant species observed worldwide. And that's compared to people who live in mega biodiversity hotspots like South Africa and southern California.

2019 Illinois Botanists Big Year Stats

4,040 observers
58,000 research grade observations of plants
1,930 species
1,470 identifiers

Most Species

1. @dziomber – 1,149
2. @wildlandblogger – 1,136
3. @sanguinaria33 – 881
4. @sedge – 817
5. @elfaulkner – 769
6. @johnhboldt – 758
7. @skrentnyjeff – 711
8. @bouteloua – 527
9. @kkucera – 489
10. @missgreen – 372

Most Observations

1. @wildlandblogger – 4,202
2. @johnhboldt – 3,626
3. @dziomber – 1,672
4. @sanguinaria33 – 1,583
5. @sedge – 1,416
6. @bouteloua – 1,416
7. @skrentnyjeff – 1,304
8. @elfaulkner – 1,191
9. @taco2000 – 1,044
10. @kkucera – 878

The Sedgehead

Most species in the genus Carex:
@dziomber with 63 species and @sedge close behind with 62!

The Grassmaster

Most species within the family Poaceae:
@dziomber with 77 species!

The Sporophyte

Most species outside of flowering plants, Magnoliophyta):
@wildlandblogger with 71 species!

The 100 Club:

botanizers who made research grade observations of over 100 species of plants in Illinois in 2019: @andrewhipp @andrewstpaul @bouteloua @brdnrdr @brendanrattin @carolt-80 @conniecowan @d_coulter @dziomber @eattaway92 @elfaulkner @eriko @ewarden @geodude365 @grantfessler @ja5 @jackassgardener @jakeskee @jawinget @jenhugstrees @joelmc @johnhboldt @k2018lena @kennedy9094 @kkucera @matt167 @maureenclare @missgreen @mn2010 @naturalist_glenn @outdoorsie @owenkathriner @plantdruid @prairiehobbit @psweet @randyshonkwiler @redadmiral98 @rgraveolens @rin_nd @rtriveline @sanguinaria33 @sedge @skrentnyjeff @ssinn @stocksdale @taco2000 @tararat @timfelinski0251 @ty-sharrow @vvoelker @whimbrelbirder @wildernessbarbie @wildlandblogger @woodridgejeff

Most IDs

Most identifications for other people (Needs ID & Research Grade observations of plants in Illinois in 2019):
@mcaple with 9,040 IDs!
Followed up by @evan8 (8,317) and @wildlandblogger (7,325).

Most Improving IDs

That is the number of times they were first-to-ID a species that the community subsequently agreed with: @mcaple again with 2,293!
Followed up by @bouteloua (902) and @prairiehobbit (783).

Species New to Illinois on iNat

Dozens of species new to iNat in Illinois this year. A few listed below:

Nice Photos

Just three of my favorite photos from the year.
I posted lots more photos on our Facebook group:

Collinsia verna by @jsatler in Jackson County: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/24966638

Floerkea proserpinacoides by @kkucera in Cook County: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/25226265

Symphyotrichum novae-angliae by @musicmanz in McHenry County: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/33300530

Awards Ceremony

If you caught this post before 2PM on Sunday, January 26th and are in the Chicago area, join us to congratulate our top botanizers at the Illinois Native Plant Society gathering this afternoon. Details here: http://ill-inps.org/northeast-chapter/events/

and finally...

Don't forget to join the 2020 project:

(click the Join button in the top right)

Thanks to all for sharing your plant explorations this year!
Happy botanizing in 2020!

@bouteloua (cassi saari)
由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2020年01月26日 15:25 所貼文 | 3 評論 | 留下評論

The 2019 results are up!

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2020年01月26日 15:43 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Illinois Botanists Big Year 2019 results announced

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2020年01月26日 16:00 所貼文 | 3 評論 | 留下評論