期刊歸檔用於 2017年6月


Snapshot Cal Coast 2017

Hi everyone!

You’re tagged in this journal post because you’re one of the top iNaturalist observers along the California coast!

Rebecca & I wanted to let you all know that the second annual Snapshot Cal Coast is happening June 23 – July 2! It’s a statewide effort to document California coastal biodiversity to better understand changes in species ranges and to get a sense of what species occur in specific coastal sites. Snapshot Cal Coast is organized by Citizen Science at the California Academy of Sciences in partnership with the California Marine Protected Area Collaborative Network.

We’re interested in species found in the rocky intertidal, sandy beaches, dunes, docks, estuaries, coastal scrub – anything along the coast from Del Norte to San Diego! If you happen to find yourself on the coast June 23 – July 2, you can participate just by making observations – they will be automatically added to our Snapshot Cal Coast iNaturalist project. There are also quite a few events happening in support of Snapshot Cal Coast; not all are open to the public but those that are have links you can click to find out more information: Snapshot Cal Coast events.

You can also help by identifying observations made by others – we anticipate quite a few people new to iNaturalist participating in Snapshot Cal Coast, and getting IDs from folks like you will be hugely rewarding and will hopefully motivate them to keep on using iNat!

If you have any questions feel free to post them in the comments or contact either one of us.

Thanks all!
Rebecca (@rebeccafay) & Alison (@kestrel)
California Academy of Sciences Citizen Science

@jmaughn @finatic @kueda @mcduck @lemurdillo @dpom @anudibranchmom @robberfly @tiyumq @marisa_a @jaykeller @gbentall @alex_bairstow @hfabian @direbecca @sidesplotch @mazer @glmory @dlbowls @loarie @gyrrlfalcon @leslie_flint @allisonjgong @thefruithunter @tiwane @lorri-gong @cae1 @matthew_salkiewicz @slsfirefight @sea-kangaroo @cedric_lee @megansixt @rjadams55 @pbrastow @primalux @silversea_starsong @psyllidhipster @philwarren @patsimpson2000 @damontighe @marisa @rudyard @joe_cutler @th0th @jon_sullivan @ross2 @raulagrait @ajwacaser @adrained @dave-barry @avocat @catchang @mrchasse @lenaz @metsa @wildmarin @paloma @ericsimons @chriswbrown @edwardrooks @folini @ocean_beach_goth @biosam @terrydad2 @bjdion @photon-hog @lynnwatson @hikingsandiego @cspnl @bbunny @ryanandrews @scubabruin @vireolanius @chiriria @dmh0716 @kimssight @gabbieb

由使用者 kestrel kestrel2017年06月20日 00:01 所貼文 | 18 評論 | 留下評論


Halfway there!

We've reached the halfway point for Snapshot Cal Coast 2017, and it has been nothing short of AMAZING so far! As of this post, more than 5700 observations of 785 species have been made by 314 people. We're well on our way to surpassing the totals for the 2016 Snapshot.

Right now we have observations as far north as Trinidad in Humboldt County (our most northern observation currently is of a Hopkins' rose nudibranch) and as far south as the Mexico border (the most southern observation currently is of a Heermann's gull).

We also have observations made by divers (like this observation of an amazing string of salps), by tidepoolers (here's an observation of a starburst anemone), beach & dune explorers (a dead Mola mola was found washed up on the beach), people sticking their head under docks to see what's living there (like tube worms), and so many more!

Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far, and we know there are more events planned for later this week and more observations coming in along the coast. We'll add another journal post soon!

由使用者 kestrel kestrel2017年06月28日 01:43 所貼文 | 1 評論 | 留下評論