期刊歸檔用於 2019年6月


Mountain fire

As noted in my profile one of my favorite places to hang out is in the Tonto National Forest near my home. Monday last week I walked down a wash west of Horseshoe Reservoir, one not visited often judging by the dense vegetation along the route. The week before that I walked an area along a branch of the same wash on the south side of the road. This week many of those observations are now ash. As are these from May 24. A human-caused fire burned over 7000 acres late last week, including all three routes. The only good news is that the blaze stopped short of the site where I found this imperiled critter.

由使用者 stevejones stevejones2019年06月11日 02:05 所貼文 | 6 評論 | 留下評論