期刊歸檔用於 2023年10月


Annotation tooltips

I discovered these short, official definitions for annotations just the other day:

Alive or Dead:

  • Alive: Organism is living and shows no signs of imminent death
  • Cannot Be Determined: Cannot be determined from the evidence provided
  • Dead: Organism is dead or shows signs of imminent death

Evidence of Presence:

  • Bone: Predominantly endoskeleton remains; partial bone exposure in an otherwise intact organism should be labelled [sic] “organism”
  • Feather: One or more feathers not attached to an organism
  • Gall: Deformed plant tissue outgrowth caused by a parasitic organism
  • Molt: Discarded skin or exoskeleton
  • Organism: Whole or partial organism
  • Scat: Fecal matter (not owl pellets or other regurgitated matter)
  • Track: Impression in ground or snow made by organism

Life Stage:

  • Adult: BUG
  • Egg: BUG
  • Juvenile: BUG
  • Larva: BUG
  • Nymph: BUG
  • Pupa: BUG
  • Subimago: BUG
  • Teneral: Adult that has recently emerged but has not yet achieved its final adult form

Plant Phenology:

  • Flower budding: Flower buds visible but not open
  • Flowering: Flowers visible, open, and still attached to the plant
  • Fruiting: Fruit visible and still attached to the plant
  • No evidence of flowering: Media provides no evidence of reproductive structures


  • Cannot Be Determined: Cannot be determined from the evidence provided
  • Female: Evidence indicates that organism can produce ova for use in sexual reproduction
  • Male: Evidence indicates that organism can produce sperm for use in sexual reproduction

At this time, not all of the values have definitions since some of the annotation tooltips are affected by a bug.

Apparently these definitions are not widely known since the tooltips are visible only after the annotation has been applied. For example:

  1. Browse: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/165124188
  2. Hover over the annotation “bone”
  3. The tooltip will display as: Predominantly endoskeleton remains; partial bone exposure in an otherwise intact organism should be labelled “organism”

Note: In the previous tooltip, it should be “labeled”, not “labelled”, but hey, that's a minor point!

I was really surprised to learn about these definitions after all this time. I'm curious, did you know about these before now?

由使用者 trscavo trscavo2023年10月21日 15:39 所貼文 | 23 評論 | 留下評論