期刊歸檔用於 2024年2月


A. Johnson Company is closed

As of the end of the December 2023, the A. Johnson (lumber) Company in Bristol, Vermont is closed. There's almost nothing online about this so I won't try to provide a link at this time (see the comments). If today's date were April 1st, I would wonder if this might be an April Fool's joke. If A. Johnson is closed, that's a Very Big Deal since they own many acres of forested land throughout the state.

Does anybody know more?

由使用者 trscavo trscavo2024年02月04日 18:43 所貼文 | 7 評論 | 留下評論


Bristol Pond

Bristol Pond (also called Winona Lake on some maps) is a large wetland complex in the town of Bristol in Addison County, Vermont. Bristol Pond is the source of Pond Brook, which flows north through the adjacent town of Monkton before emptying into Lewis Creek (which itself empties in Lake Champlain). The Pond Brook Watershed is a significant natural resource (but that's a different story).

There are no hiking trails around Bristol Pond. The best way to experience the area is by canoe or kayak. For convenience, I made a geospatial PDF map of Bristol Pond. The blue area on the map is State land while the yellow area is private land owned by the A. Johnson Company.

I've only been to Bristol Pond once but my sense is that there's a lot to see and do here. You can browse the site's observations to get idea about biodiversity.

Have you been to Bristol Pond?

由使用者 trscavo trscavo2024年02月10日 20:38 所貼文 | 5 評論 | 留下評論


The confusing tick-trefoils

Desmodium glabellum (tall tick-trefoil) and Desmodium perplexum (perplexed tick-trefoil) are members of the Desmodium paniculatum complex. The specific name perplexum suggests these taxa are confusing, which is indeed true. Until recently, it was very difficult to distinguish Desmodium glabellum from Desmodium perplexum. In 2020, a breakthrough research result put these species on the map (both figuratively and literally). For more info:

The googledoc includes an identification key, references, and links. A short glossary is also included.

由使用者 trscavo trscavo2024年02月25日 13:30 所貼文 | 14 評論 | 留下評論