10,000 observations

On March 1st of 2014 I gave in to peer pressure from my new friend Sam and posted my first observation to iNaturalist. Just a single image of a Question Mark butterfly. Fitting since it was a question on whether I would ever post anything again. At the time I was really only interested in birds and used ebird for that. So why would I want to post to a second site? Especially where I could only post what I had gotten pictures of.
Thankfully Sam kept on me about trying it again and I did. Slowly I began to get interested in other things because I could post them and get help knowing what it was. And then well, if I was going to post something I might as well post some other things too.
Gradually the interest in other things led to calling myself just a generalist and ultimately primarily an iNatter. It has gotten to where every time I go somewhere I am looking for things to observe. And then of course more things to go with that for the day. I plan trips to add observations. And iNatting has morphed into an obsession, addiction, passion, love, way of life
So that now, as of yesterday just shy of five years later I posted my 10,000th observation. And I am so very thankful for Sam pushing me to make those first observations. I have made many new friends, some of whom I spend a lot of time with. And have explored areas of Texas I probably never would have gone. And seen things I know I never would have seen.
So, here’s to iNat, all the creators and designers and pushers. Look forward to the next 10,000 and beyond.

由使用者 brentano brentano2019年01月28日 22:05 所貼文


Congratulations, Brent! Sam Kieschnick - iNat evangelist.

發佈由 tadamcochran 超過 5 年 前

Congrats on 10k, Brent!!! :)

發佈由 wildcarrot 超過 5 年 前

Congrats !

發佈由 rehb 超過 5 年 前

Congratulations! That puts you in an elite category!

發佈由 apcorboy 超過 5 年 前

Congrats Brent! Glad I was able to meet you through iNat, and thanks for all of your contributions.

發佈由 tiwane 超過 5 年 前

Way to go, Brent! Hurray for you! And hurray for Sam and his legendary efforts to get folks addicted to iNat!

發佈由 connlindajo 超過 5 年 前

Woohoo! 10,000! Amazing! iNat definitely changes the way you see the world and I love seeing your posts. Here's to "nature nerds" everywhere...

發佈由 alflinn329 超過 5 年 前


發佈由 fratto 超過 5 年 前

Sam? Sam who? Do I know this guy? Well, whoever he is, I'm glad he's so pushy! Congrats on 10K!! As long as you are looking up and I'm looking down, we got it covered! On to 15K!

發佈由 kimberlietx 超過 5 年 前

Hahaha! I go door to door with little pamphlets now.

"Do you have an iNaturalist-sized hole in your heart?"

Here's to 10k more, Brentano!

發佈由 sambiology 超過 5 年 前

Congratulations on a significant milestone!

發佈由 jwn 超過 5 年 前

Congrats Brent. I've enjoyed following your journey.

發佈由 eangler 超過 5 年 前

Congratulations! Always enjoy running into you and learning from you! :)

發佈由 amynature 超過 5 年 前


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