Budawang Coast Atlas of Life的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2022年2月


Mozzie Month 14Feb-29Mar - contribute / iNat Mozzie project - join / intro workshop 10Feb 7.30-8.30pm

Join citizen scientists from around Australia to contribute to Mozzie Monitors project. Data collected will help to understand the diversity and abundance of mosquitoes in each area. Monitoring mosquitoes is essential for mosquito management and mosquito-borne diseases prevention. With the warm, wet and humid weather impacted by La Nina, mosquito populations are increasing in different parts of Australia. Thus, monitoring mosquitoes is crucial to explore how the weather variables can affect species numbers, population size and distribution. Mosquitoes also have important ecological roles and can be effective pollinators.

Join iNaturalist Mozzie Monitor project

10Feb 7.30-8.30pm Intro online workshop about using iNaturalist to share observations of mosquitoes, will also give some tips on how to take the best identifiable photos.
Booking: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/mozzie-month-inaturalist-tickets-262354227557?ref=enivtefor001&invite=MjE4MzY5MTkvYnVkYXdhbmdjb2FzdEBnbWFpbC5jb20vMA%3D%3D%0A&utm_source=eb_email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=inviteformalv2&utm_term=attend&fbclid=IwAR3buQh0Brv9YCYMdIJrbB1_zYtYthaGAcK2v59Ior0Jvq7x8ogCEg02FsM

For more information, contact mozziemonitors@unisa.edu.au

由使用者 barv barv2022年02月04日 09:04 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Big Bushfire Bioblitz - Have you signed up?

Big Bushfire Bioblitz : Murramarang National Park,
6pm Friday 11 March - 4pm Sunday 13 March 2022
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/big-bushfire-bioblitz-registration-206905017477

由使用者 barv barv2022年02月13日 02:17 所貼文 | 3 評論 | 留下評論

South East Biodiversity and Conservation Division Summer newsletter

Link: https://mailchi.mp/environment/south-east-environment-summer-10672668?e=c726dfc76a
Topics include:
Hand pollinating threatened native orchids
Bushfire Recovery Plan for South Coast Estuaries
Bushfire recovery projects: how nature responds to fire
Lower Shoalhaven River waterway user survey
New web resource: Estuary Entrance Management
New self-guided audio tours of Minnamurra Rainforest, Budderoo National Park
Coastal management program progress
A genetic rescue mission save the Eastern Bristlebird from extinction
and checkout
Three online plant ID tools to help with identification!

由使用者 barv barv2022年02月13日 22:20 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Crookhaven Green and Golden Bell Frog Citizen Science Project - Planning Meeting 28Feb South Nowra

UPDATE: Meeting now Friday 4th March, 10am – 12pm. Also new meeting location so that can meet closer to quarry site in Worrigee Nature Reserve. Meet at end of Worrigee Road, past the cemetery. For a map, email lucy.loft@environment.nsw.gov.au

The overall trend of GGBF population at Crookhaven is one of serious decline due to habitat loss and alteration resulting from surrounding urban development. According to surveys undertaken so far this season, GGBF were not detected at as many locations as in previous years.
By setting up a citizen science project for the Crookhaven GGBFs we aim to:

  • raise public awareness about the Crookhaven population of GGBFs and the important role community can play in protecting and improving key habitat to secure a future for GGBFs in Crookhaven.
  • get local people involved in recording frogs at Crookhaven to provide data on GGBF distribution which in turn will inform conservation planning.

We would greatly value your input in these early planning stages. You are welcome to join the informal meeting and knowledge sharing session –
Where: Worrigee Nature Reserve, meeting point - end of Quinns Lane, South Nowra
When: Monday 28th Feb 10am – 12pm

‘Sloane’s Champions - Citizen Science Monitoring Program’ is a partnership between Saving Our Species (SoS), Woolshed Thurgoona Landcare Group and Corowa Landcare Group. It has been incredibly successful in raising the profile of the tiny Sloane’s Froglet and engaging the community to learn about the species - many didn’t know existed in their local area and the pressures it faced.

Community involvement in this citizen science monitoring project dramatically increased knowledge about where this frog species occurs and where it’s absent, informing conservation planning. We think we could use this project as a template for rolling out something very similar for the bell frogs at Crookhaven.

We hope you can make it! Contact Lucy for further details
Lucy Loft, Community Engagement Officer
Biodiversity and Conservation | Department of Planning and Environment
0400628273 | lucy.loft@environment.nsw.gov.au

由使用者 barv barv2022年02月18日 02:56 所貼文 | 2 評論 | 留下評論


Webinar for Wildlife Vols - Brushtail possums - stressors in rehabilitation and post-release outcomes

Update - Session details: Thu, 10 March 2022 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM AEDT
Book here https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/brushtail-possums-stressors-in-rehabilitation-and-post-release-outcomes-tickets-274546063667?utm_source=eventbrite&utm_medium=email&utm_content=follow_notification&utm_campaign=following_published_event&utm_term=Brushtail%20possums%20-%20stressors%20in%20rehabilitation%20and%20post-release%20outcomes&aff=ebemoffollowpublishemail&fbclid=IwAR0LCx8XIG9alRMk6cBCL795olcozMVQe3GTIY63JvICOEIEw_nOiNWctZg

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) and Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife (FNPW) are delivering a series of webinars providing an opportunity for volunteer wildlife rehabilitators to connect with professionals in the field and provide an update on developments and current best practice in wildlife health.
Volunteer wildlife carers rescue and rehabilitate thousands of common brushtail possums every year in Australia. Yet, there is little data available on how this temporary period of captivity affects possum physiology, or of how factors such as release method, personality and habituation affect the likelihood of survival in the wild after release.
A team of researchers from the University of Sydney have worked alongside wildlife rehabilitators in the Sydney region to try to answer these questions. In this seminar, Catherine Herbert and Holly Cope will discuss the outcomes of this research, focusing on the response of brushtail possums to potential stressors during rehabilitation and factors affecting short-term survival after release.

Associate Professor Catherine Herbert – The University of Sydney
Cathy is a research ecologist leading multiple research projects on marsupial biology and management. Her research brings together multidisciplinary teams to investigate key biological processes that influence the management of free-living and captive marsupial populations to facilitate evidence-based approaches to wildlife management. Cathy also lectures in wildlife biology, conservation and management in the School of Life and Environmental Sciences.

Dr Holly Cope – The University of Sydney
Holly is a postdoctoral researcher with expertise in marsupial fertility control, animal welfare and wildlife rehabilitation. Her most recent research projects have focused on the management of species including eastern grey kangaroos, burrowing bettongs, Tasmanian devils, koalas and brushtail possums in urban and conservation settings. Holly is currently investigating the impacts of the 2019/20 Black Summer bushfires on marsupials in eastern Australia.

由使用者 barv barv2022年02月28日 06:07 所貼文 | 2 評論 | 留下評論