Budawang Coast Atlas of Life的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2022年3月


Great news, the Big Bushfire Bioblitz, Murramarang National Park is going ahead this weekend!

Big Bushfire Bioblitz : Murramarang National Park, 6pm Friday 11 March - 4pm Sunday 13 March 2022
Still time to register: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/big-bushfire-bioblitz-registration-206905017477

You must register to attend and for further details. Traditional Custodian and Elder, Victor Channell, will Welcome us to Country at 7pm.

由使用者 barv barv2022年03月10日 08:57 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Murramarang BioBlitz Wrap-Up

The second Big Bushfire BioBlitz, held on the NSW South Coast in and around Murramarang National Park, is all wrapped up!
We were lucky enough to have perfect weather over the weekend this time around, and plenty of enthusiastic bioblitzers, including a large contingent from the ALA. Plants, birds, herps, bugs and more were all on offer, including a great beachcombing trip on Saturday morning and some fantastic spotlighting sessions on Friday and Saturday night.
Observations are still coming in thick and fast, but we're currently at 2252 observations, and already close to reaching 700 species and overtaking the Blue Mountains tally.

Some highlights:
Greater and yellow-bellied gliders https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?captive=any&place_id=any&project_id=129403&taxon_id=40151&verifiable=any
A smorgasbord of frogs, including a green and golden bell frog https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&project_id=big-bushfire-bioblitz-forests-of-the-nsw-south-coast&taxon_id=20979&verifiable=any
The critically endangered plant Rhodamnia rubescens https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?order_by=votes&place_id=any&project_id=big-bushfire-bioblitz-forests-of-the-nsw-south-coast&taxon_id=369597&verifiable=any
Some Merimbula Woodland Snails https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?order_by=votes&place_id=any&project_id=big-bushfire-bioblitz-forests-of-the-nsw-south-coast&taxon_id=1130288&verifiable=any
to go with the Blue Mountains Woodland Snails https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&project_id=big-bushfire-bioblitz-greater-blue-mountains-world-heritage-area&taxon_id=790114&verifiable=any
we found at the last bioblitz.

Looking at the two events thus far combined, we've almost hit 5000 observations and 1200 species, contributed by 92 observers (and of course importantly, with help from 345 identifiers). These are extremely impressive numbers, and will only continue to rise as more observations filter in.

It's likely that our third event (which was meant to run last week) will still go ahead at some point, but we're still figuring out the logistics of when and where; we'll keep you all updated!
Post from Environment Recovery Project https://inaturalist.ala.org.au/projects/64719/journal/63022

由使用者 barv barv2022年03月16日 11:30 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


6th South Coast Sea Slug Census is on again!

6th Sea Slug Census March 26 to April 30, from Green Cape to Kiama.
Link to all that's happening https://atlasoflife.org.au/sea-slug.../sea-slug-census-2022

Nature Coast Marine Group Sea Slug Census events
Come explore lagoons, intertidal reefs and shallow wharfs on the search for a wonderful variety of Nudibranchs, Sea Hares and other interesting gastropods! You, your family and friends are invited to join our various (free) activities such as snorkeling, walking, and diving to document some of the beautiful biodiversity of our region onto the iNaturalist database!

BROULEE ROCK WALK Sunday 20th March, 3:30pm
Meet in the Harbour Drive carpark
Bring Rock shoes and a camera!
Contact Jane on 0427 197 577

NAROOMA WHARF SNORKEL/DIVE Thursday 31st March, 9:30am (TBC)
Meet on the south end of Narooma Wharf on Bluewater Drive
Bring Snorkel and/or dive gear, towel and a camera!
Contact Jane on 0427 197 577

BARLINGS BEACH SNORKEL Sunday 3rd April, (time TBA)
Meet TBA
Bring Snorkel gear, towel and a camera!
Contact Jenny Edwards 0492 176 148

BAR BEACH SNORKEL Sunday 10th April, (time TBA)
Bar Beach (Narooma) carpark
Bring Snorkel gear, towel and a camera!
More info to come!

Easter Monday 18th April, (time TBA)
North Head beach carpark
Bring Snorkel gear, towel, rock shoes, lunch and a camera!
More info to come!

Easter Monday 18th April, (time TBA)
Bermagui Blue Pool carpark
Bring Snorkel gear, towel, rock shoes and a camera!
More info to come!

All times and dates are weather dependent and up to change, so please do not hesitate to get in touch with Jenny or Jane if you would like more information on any of the above!!
Nature Coast Marine Group (NCMG), PO Box 149, Moruya

由使用者 barv barv2022年03月20日 03:50 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Shoalhaven Glossy Black-Cockatoo Aboriginal Advisory Group - EOI to secure Glossies in Shoalhaven, apply by 15 April

The Aboriginal Advisory Group will secure the future of Glossy Black-Cockatoos in the Shoalhaven by empowering local Aboriginal custodians to reconnect with fire impacted landscapes and build on their existing cultural knowledge and values of the species to develop a Healthy Country Plan (HCP) for Glossies into the future.
The Aboriginal Advisory Group will be supported by an Aboriginal Community Engagement Officer who commences in the role on 4 April 2022.
How to apply?
Submit a short statement about why you’re interested in securing a Healthy Country Plan for Glossy Black-Cockatoos to Simon.Tedder@environment.nsw.gov.au
EOI submissions will be assessed by Shoalhaven Council’s existing Aboriginal Advisory Committee.
Submissions close 15 April 2022
For more info, contact Simon Tedder 0424 745 857 NSW DPE

由使用者 barv barv2022年03月22日 08:32 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Green and Golden Bell Frog Workshop (family friendly) 13 April 10-12.30 - free - lunch included

Take a tour of Green and Golden Bell Frog habitat in Worrigee Nature Reserve with local ecologist Garry Daly. The reserve provides important habitat for this iconic species which was once common along the east coast of Australia, but is now one of the most threatened after an alarming decline in numbers over the last three decades.

Learn how you can contribute to conservation planning for our froggy friends by using the FrogID app. Also add to iNat. Build a frog hotel using recycled materials and take home some frog friendly plants to put in your backyard.

由使用者 barv barv2022年03月25日 00:57 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論