Budawang Coast Atlas of Life的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2022年7月


Great Southern Bioblitz (GSB22) 28-31 October, 2022

Get ready for GSB22 by joining Budawang Coast project

Great Southern Bioblitz 2021 happened in 245 areas in 19 countries on 3 continents - a whopping 183,990 observations of 21,200 species by 5790 observers.

GSB has teamed up with

由使用者 barv barv2022年07月04日 12:15 所貼文 | 1 評論 | 留下評論


Seaweed identification workshops, rare purple jellyfish and giant crabs

Follow our Facebook page to see our 3 latest posts https://www.facebook.com/BudawangCoastAL

由使用者 barv barv2022年07月06日 12:27 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


ePetition to "End Public Native Forest Logging" (NSW)

Hi forest loving friends

Can you believe It? We are still logging the Greater Glider's habitat even though it has slid from vulnerable to endangered just in May this year along with koalas, gang gangs and so many other native animals.

If you are feeling any of the eco-grief/anger/sadness etc after this week’s State of the Environment report coming out please consider this request.

Sign the ePetition calling to complete the transition out of Native forest logging (NSW residents only).

We need 20,000 signatories by August for the issue to be debated in the Legislative Assembly and we're only at 9,000.

Sign and share through your networks.
Visit: https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/la/pages/epetition-details.aspx?q=quge-8rdRlyn4PTcuMj_PA

Nick Hopkins

由使用者 barv barv2022年07月22日 05:06 所貼文 | 2 評論 | 留下評論


Summary of last season's Gang-gang tree hollow research findings

An update from Gang-Gang project https://inaturalist.ala.org.au/projects/gang-gang-nests-tree-hollows-search
Thanks to the many of you that contributed to the Gang-gang nest hollow project. In total we have now identified 60 nests (52 in Canberra, 2 in Campbelltown, 2 in Wombat State forest (Vic) and one near or in Moruya, Cooma, Tumbarumba and East Melbourne). We continue to learn much about Gang-gang nesting ecology and behaviour. We have 5 years of good data from Canberra but would like to compare what we are finding here with that elsewhere. Gang-gang hollow checking is increasing as we approach breeding season and we ask that you keep posting sightings of where you observe Gangs-gangs looking into hollows, but particularly in remote or rural areas away from Canberra .

Highlights of last season’s research include -
A further 25 nest hollows were identified across much of the Gang-gang's range. Hollow dimension data has been collected from most of the hollows as has fledging success rate, fledging sex ratio (0.7 females to 1male) and timing of fledging. A significant relationship was found between fledge time and altitude. Low altitude sites, such as Campbelltown (50m) may have a breeding period 2 months in advance of that at high altitude locations, like Cooma (1000m).
216 of hollows, in the Canberra, Cooma and Tumbarumba areas, that were of interest to Gang-gangs were closely monitored. Of these we found:

46% empty
9% Gang-gang nest hollow
10% empty but with chewed bark
12% Brushtailed Possum
5% leaf-lined suggesting possum or perhaps Galah use
9% Flooded (Gang-gang water source)
4% Bees
3% Australian Wood Duck
3% Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
1% Galah
1% Crimson Rosella, Boobook Owl

These results possibly suggest that at least in the Canberra area hollows are not a limiting factor and that competition from other hollow nesting such as cockatoos and parrots is not a major factor. There is an on-going project in Canberra to help determine whether sites are limiting. Brushtail Possums are the major hollow competitor. The rate of predation is unknown but the project confirmed Brushtail Possums as a significant predator of eggs and chicks.
At least some Gang-gang pairs will prepare multiple hollows before choosing one as a nest. Gang-gangs line their nests with bark chips of a distinctive shape and size. They appear to be choosing nest hollows on the basis of climate experienced. In Canberra, in two hot, dry years, no hollow bearing dead trees were utilised while in the two most recent wet and cooler years, 6 hollow bearing dead trees were utilised. The clutches raised in the hot/dry and wet/cool years were similar (26 and 32 respectively).
Only about a third of previously used nest hollows are used in any one year, but if a hollow is used one year there is a 50% chance of it being used the next.
With the help of the ACT Government nest hollow dimensions have been measured and used to guide nest tube design. The nest tubes are currently being trialled as part of another project. With the Canberra nest hollows, the average height in a tree is 6.5m (range 2.5 - 10m). The average hollow entrance dimensions are height 22.4cm, width 15.2cm; largest breeding entrance measured is 39 x 24 cms The smallest breeding hollow entrance is 10 x 7 cms. The average floor diameter is 20cm (range 12- 33cm).
It is problematic to attach trackers and bands to Gang-Gangs so this has never happened. Consequently, little is known about their movement. One of our hollow observers (thanks Cath) alerted us to a male raising two chicks that had considerable crest damage and was easily recognisable. We put the call out for "Baldy" sightings and received sightings at 7 different locations. Four of these were during the breeding season. The furthest from the nest was 3.89km, where Baldy was foraging on Red Stringybark nuts, so this is the distance that we now know a Gang-gang raising chicks will at least travel to forage.
Baldy also made repeated visits to a residence about 700m from the nest where he fed on Sunflower seeds. Caged Gang-gangs are known to suffer infertility and other health issues when largely fed on a sunflower seed diet. The impact of sunflowers in the diet of wild birds is unknown, but the project has highlighted it as a potential issue.
Michael Mulvaney

由使用者 barv barv2022年07月23日 23:36 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Upcoming Gang-Gang breeding season - monitoring needed

Gang Gang breeding season is not that far away, with August and September being the months when Gang-gangs are most actively and nosily looking for hollows. It would be great if you could continue to keep and eye and ear out for Gang-gangs and to record on iNaturalist any activity of Gang-gangs looking into, entering, leaving or within a hollow.

Your assistance is required to record any mating observed or where Gang-gangs are chewing bark around a hollow. Michael Mulvaney will monitor new iNaturalist sightings. See other post for summary of what the Gang-gang hollow search project achieved last year - it demonstrates that your efforts are yielding conservation results.

Gang-gang breeding habitat has traditionally been thought as Tall Wet Forests with nests in tall trees 18-25m off the ground in a dead spout off the main trunk. However nearly all of the 60 nests that we have recently located are in woodland - open forest situations with the nest hollow on average 6.5m from the ground. . Nearly all the nests are also within 250m of the urban edge. This may be related to the availability of food in urban parks and gardens. When feeding records close to nests are compared to those further away, close to nest feeding includes a higher proportion of Gum Nut, Cone and insects than records further away. I suspect that the ideal nesting habitat includes hollow bearing gum trees that are near to an abundant supply of eucalyptus nuts, green calllitris or cypress nuts and many wattles bearing green pods in October-December.

Michael has collated all breeding records to help us focus where in the Budawang coast area may be worth searching. He has ranked the breeding records according to the following:

  1. 3-10 Gang-gangs feeding together during breeding season Sept-Jan (the rational being that breeding birds tend to congregate and do forage together)
  2. A Gang-gang looking into, entering, leaving or within a hollow
  3. Mating (seems to only occur near nests), bark chewing around a hollow or repeated observations of hollow activity
  4. Probable nest but chicks not observed or heard
  5. Known nest

This rating is reflected in the maps by the higher ratings having larger blobs. I am thinking that it would pay to search in areas where rating 3-5 records have been recorded or where there is a cluster of records.

If you would like access to maps/data please email budawangcoast@gmail.com as we can't attach that data here.

  • a map of the collated 950 records across the Gang-gangs range;
  • a map of records in the wider Budawang area; and
  • a close up map of the most likely breeding locations based on recorded knowledge.
由使用者 barv barv2022年07月23日 23:49 所貼文 | 2 評論 | 留下評論


Environment Recovery Project is a 2022 Eureka Prize Finalist

In a bit of very exciting news, the Environment Recovery Project has been shortlisted as a finalist in the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources Eureka Prize for Innovation in Citizen Science!

We started the Environment Recovery Project in the hope of gathering scientifically meaningful biodiversity data by engaging everyday people in bushfire recovery via citizen science. The Project has exceeded our expectations, both in terms of the volume of data generated, and importantly, the meaningful, ongoing engagement with project members right across the country.

The Environment Recovery Project being nominated for a Eureka Prize is a testament to the work of citizen scientists and the value of citizen science to biodiversity research. Your observations can and do make a difference.

So from us here at ERP HQ to everyone who has contributed to the Project or Big Bushfire Bioblitz, a huge THANK YOU!

Learn more: https://youtu.be/pdbcaqbn1mA


Casey and the team

由使用者 barv barv2022年07月28日 11:41 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Australian Bioblitz Symposium with ACSA - online - Fri 19 August 7:30 –9.00 PM

We have been presenting BioBlitzes in Australia for over a decade now and it’s great to see them becoming ever more popular. Now is a good time to celebrate the unique events we have been part of and some of the amazing results we have seen. This symposium will focus on the shape of recent BioBlitzes and we will discuss what BioBlitzes can offering future – for community and for science.
Co-hosts: Libby Hepburn and Michelle Neil
Presenters: Michelle Neil & Stephen Fricker, BioBlitz creators & leaders; Thomas Mesaglio, iNaturalist app guru; and assorted Great Southern Bioblitz contributors – Casey Kirchhoff on post-bushfire bioblitzes plus contributions from the Australian BioBlitz Group
Follow here for update on how to join https://www.facebook.com/events/3340451569506256?ref=newsfeed

由使用者 barv barv2022年07月29日 11:19 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Surprises in the Regrowth Sat 20 Aug 12-4pm Eurobodalla Gardens - free but book now

An afternoon of talks about the post-fire recovery of plants and animals in the Shoalhaven and Eurobodalla regions.
Speakers from Eurobodalla Council, Batemans Bay Local Aboriginal Land Council, NSW Forestry and University of Wollongong will be joining us. This event coincides with National Science Week.
Supported by Friends of Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Garden and Budawang Coast Atlas of Life.
This event is funded by the Commonwealth Bushfire Recovery for Wildlife and Habitat Community Grants Program
Venue: Banksia Room, Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Gardens
Afternoon tea provided. Free but tickets are limited, so book now.

由使用者 barv barv2022年07月29日 11:26 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Forest and Farmlands: Building Post-fire Biodiversity Sat 3 Sept 9am-1pm Ulladulla Civic Centre - book your tickets

This free community forum is presented by the Saving Our Species and the Milton Ulladulla Forest Recovery project.
Talks about fire recovery include: Post fire research and forest recovery, how indigenous practitioners use fire in the landscape and practical ways you can retain vegetation on your property and still reduce fire risk.
Talks centred around biodiversity recovery include: Control of vertebrate pests, honey bees in forests, retaining tree hollows and developing biodiversity covenants for private lands.
Morning tea provided. Book here

由使用者 barv barv2022年07月29日 23:01 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


More Tips & Tricks on iNaturalist by guru Thomas Mesaglio

What are all the tips and tricks to getting the most out of iNaturalist?
Well, as Thomas will tell you - use the desktop version!
In this presentation, Thomas goes through some tips and tricks for using the desktop version of iNaturalist and answers some of our participant's burning questions in the Q&A.
About Thomas Mesaglio: Thomas is a self-confessed "iNaturalist addict and curator, avid beachcomber, and professional bioblitzer". Thomas is a foundation member of the GSB's Global Organising Committee, an iNaturalist moderator, and coordinates the Great Southern Bioblitz - Greater Sydney area all while doing his PhD at UNSW. Follow Thomas on Twitter @thomasmesaglio or on iNaturalist as @thebeachcomber
Think you have a good grasp of iNaturalist and want to take it to the next level in this year's Great Southern Bioblitz? This one's for you.
Date of recording: 27th July 2022

由使用者 barv barv2022年07月30日 13:28 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論