City Nature Challenge 2018: Chicago Wilderness Region的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2018年4月


Chicago region events for the City Nature Challenge 2018

Less than one week to go! The City Nature Challenge 2018 starts at 12:01AM next Friday, April 27th and runs til midnight on Monday, April 30th. Results will be announced that Friday. Check out the new style to our project and hit that follow button if you haven't yet to get updates. Once we get going there will be cool stats displayed there. You can also follow the umbrella CNC project that shows all the participating regions.

Upcoming events for the City Nature Challenge in the Chicago Wilderness Region are below. All times are local (i.e. that 10AM event in Michigan is 9AM Chicago time!)

Saturday, April 28th

8AM: Sand Ridge Nature Center Bird Walk (Illinois, Cook County, Southeast)
8AM: Lincoln Park Zoo Mini BioBlitz (Illinois, Cook County, Northeast)
9AM: City Nature Challenge at the Evanston Ecology Center (Illinois, Cook County, Northeast)
10AM: Bioblitz Warren Woods (Michigan, Berrien County)
10AM: City Nature Challenge Bioblitz at Somme Woods (Illinois, Cook County, Northeast)
10AM: Rainbow Beach Dunes Bioblitz (Illinois, Cook County, Southeast)
10AM: Outdoor Adventures: Following Migration (Illinois, Cook County, Southeast)

Sunday, April 29th

7:30AM: Columbus Park Bioblitz, Birds (Illinois, Cook County, Central)
8AM: Bioblitz of Sand Ridge and Burnham Greenway (Illinois, Cook County, Southeast)
9AM: Bioblitz Harms Woods (Illinois, Cook County, North)
9:30AM: Columbus Park Bioblitz, Plants-Soil Life-Mushrooms-Insects (Illinois, Cook County, Central)
10AM: Spring Flora Hike at Camp Shaw-Waw-Nas-See (Illinois, Kankakee County)
12PM: City Nature Challenge Perry Farm (Illinois, Kankakee County)
1PM: Columbus Park Bioblitz, Trees (Illinois, Cook County, Central)
1PM: Columbus Park Bioblitz, Aquatic Life (Illinois, Cook County, Central)
1PM: Scavenger Hunt at Gibson Woods (Indiana, Lake County)
4PM: Night Hike at Bob Mann Woods/Salt Creek Nature Preserve (Illinois, Cook County, Central/Southwest)

Full details for all these events are here:

See you out there. :)

folx with ≥ 10 observations in the Chicago Wilderness Region in the past 12 months:
@aaroncarlson @achang @adam_b @adamwardsell @airalcorn2 @alan_villalba @aleksmuller @alisonbraun @amaris @amybeanblossom @amyturner @andrea14 @andrewlindquist @andrewsaldrich @andrewstpaul @andriy @angelmi @annechw @annettem @anniep122 @arbor167 @arosie333 @aseeger @ashleyt2 @ashleywold @asolarte @astake @austinburoff @avalontile @b_sargeant @balsamgrommet @baxtercrowe @bbennett3 @beckyk @benjaminshonfeld @bg1159 @billieegads @bird_freak @birdnirder @bkossy @bmoneymaker @bnorlin22 @bouteloua @brendandcarson @brentmichalski @brittanyhull @brooklynfontana @bruce43 @bschrock2 @bufface @bwagner @bwsteward @cabinfever65 @camron_pg3 @cardnoclare @carolt-80 @carterobrien @caseymerkle @casteensa @casteensc @casteense @casteensg @casteensj @casteensk @casteensl @casteensn @cdawes @cghiotto @cgunnlents @charles18 @chriskozlak @cindygrau @citymouse @cjoll @clnoll @cmaso @coles-cavendish @corvusshade @cpdlauren @cqlanus @craigbillington @creativefinder @creaturekid @crusty @cwarneke @cweber1 @cynthia_r @d3038010661 @d_coulter @dan58 @danbuckler @danielmaisch @darryn @darwin11 @davidr @dayshinique @dcoldren @deansy @debantlitz @dhoebeke @diane45 @dlcarterksu @dog @donbocker @dorothybayern @driftlessroots @droberts49 @dsuarez @dustin29 @dwdwash90 @dylanfaughn @dylanw99 @dziomber @eattaway92 @educator_go @ekmoody @eknuth @ekrimmel @elana1 @elfaulkner @elliotgreiner @eluu @emily280 @emilyanne1296 @eminor @entrenet1 @ericalannan @eriko @erjanes93 @esp @ethankosdondlinger @evettegalvan_ @ewarden @farawaywolf @featherenthusiast @flexfolks @fpccoutreach1140 @fraz4919 @ggallupe13 @ggcouri @ggoatboy @gieserguy @gotta_be_the_very_best @gowillia @greenbergh @greg80 @gwen21001 @gyrrlfalcon @hayley511 @heatherbryant @heelsplitter @helen28 @hershbergers @hollisg10 @hollykatz @hudfrucci @idiaogbomoh @illinoisbotanizer @ingrid8 @irmela @isaac_krone @isaaclarkin @j_keating @jackassgardener @jackiemajdov @jacklousberg @janebaldwin @jasonsiegler @jbarthel @jbates606 @jeffcramer @jefferykarafa @jeffgrant @jennifersnyder @jennproud @jennykendler @jerr17 @jerrybrown219 @jerryhossli @jhowell @jimcarberry @jmanieson @jmb62 @jmclark617 @jmmcclo @jmn @jmpatton @joelle @joey24 @jonpaul @jordan41 @joseph8 @josephine7 @joshuaknutson @jpbobolink @justinjubert @jvreeland @jwhitenack @k1mberlyz @k3outdoors @kaarakallen @kafka1959 @kate88jm @katelynsbolds @kathleensoler2 @kbuck @kcaldwell22 @keeper @keeterscience @kellielachata @kelvin9 @kennedy9094 @kevapiva @kevinwhiteloyola @kgort26 @kimberleaf @kkucera @klaudiasowizral @knightericm @kristen57 @kstrain @kyreelong25 @laniarius @lauritalavette @lexie475 @lfinn1050 @lindemanzachary @lizchiparks @logan42 @lotsofheadbands @luis005 @lukaszhradecki @lumprvt @marapresley @marie25 @markmalitz @marniebaker @marshmaiden @marsieme @martinlucas @mary137 @marystorino @matt167 @mattmart @maximilianthenaturalist @mbeatty233 @mbf @mbrien @mepatter @mfs3168 @michaelszuter @missgreen @mjaberg @mjcarbs10 @mmcmasters @mmcnamee @mmog @mn2010 @molanic @mollykunkle @montanamike @moorschuster @mrpeagle @msaviola @nan-cee @nashuagoats @nate27 @nathanglamb @naturalheritage @naturalprairie @naturemuseumteens @nfurlan @nicksouza @nickv27 @nicothoe @norawestol @nuthatch75 @olchambers @oliviaburns @osagiearlette @owlwhisperer @paigelawless @palmera01 @patriciafojut @patrikl @paulefields @paulroots @pembrokeycc @pistodog @pitmaster @pnnmsp @pnnmyp @prairieclover @preriesmoke @psweet @puzzlemasta @rakesh2 @randomrover88 @randyshonkwiler @raquel_w @raverick819 @rbowe @regnar @rensweiler @retrofuturism @rgraveolens @rheinrichs @riccardomarchingiglio @ritafw @rjm2 @rmay @robustus_ @rubzzz @ruthstrutz @ryankiefer @ryanoconnor77 @saarahjunaid @sallydavis @samwerts @sandersreno @sanguinaria33 @sarahtheentwife @sasquier @sbeilke @scoobbi @scorchyru @sedge @seeslinger @shahista @sidb @skrentnyjeff @softserve @sophiaremias @staceyrecht @stealintv @stephasaurus @stevilkinevil @stormdaze @sunshineboudreaux @suzbot @swalquist @swampy @taco2000 @tamandua2 @tariqshihadah @taylward @tbell @tchakamaura @terrypie @themothergooz @thesnaguy @thismia @thomasgrosmichelbanana @threetrees @thunefeld @tianaelias @timidlittleturtle @timothyobrien @tippery @tkgoggin @trebol15 @treefahrner @tsc_wis @tulalola @tvalenzuela @tzdunek @urwhatueat @vanandelle @victor65 @vytukas @waguirre @wanderinghaack @wartellr @wesleybaker @whimbrelbirder @wilderless @wildernessbarbie @woodridgejeff @writemealetter @wyattwellehan @yes123 @yryzhik @zachar1 @zbolda @zoology123

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2018年04月20日 19:22 所貼文 | 3 評論 | 留下評論

Species to find!

Lists of species that were not found during the City Nature Challenge in 2017 in our area (which was defined as Cook County), but have been found between January and April at some point in the Chicago Wilderness Region. That is, we should be able to find and document these during the CNC this year:

Plants to Find
Fungi to Find
Insects to Find
Birds to Find
Reptiles and Amphibians to Find
Mammals to Find
Other Creatures to Find

You can fiddle around with this new "compare" tool here:

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2018年04月20日 20:22 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Get ready!

Starting tonight at midnight! Full details for all the City Nature Challenge: Chicago Wilderness Region events are here:

Several events have been added in the past few days. Participate on your own in your favorite nature spot or join one of the mini bioblitzes this weekend.

A couple tips for a long weekend of bioblitzing:

  • I know you guys already have iNaturalist downloaded, but if you're attending an event with iNat newbies, let them know they should download the app before the event.
  • Don't forget your extra camera, batteries, and/or portable phone charger.
  • Water bottle, sunscreen, bug spray, something for scale like a ruler or coin, what else?
  • It's perfectly ok to post observations that don't have a photo. Especially important for birding and frogging! Just add all the other information--what you saw or heard, when, and where.
  • Depending on your cell service and data plan, you may want to turn OFF auto-upload and upload the observations once you get back to wifi.
  • Similarly, you may want to turn off the “Suggest Species” feature (though it’s pretty cool).
  • Focus on wild organisms: if you do observe captive or planted things like pets, house plants, or garden plants, be sure to mark them as such.
  • Look in a variety of places! Turn logs and rocks over (always put them back into place), look up, down, explore different types of habitat.
  • Let your friends know they should check out when they get home since the website has much more info than the app.
由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2018年04月26日 15:03 所貼文 | 1 評論 | 留下評論


Here we go!

All observations between this morning at midnight and the end of the day Monday will automatically be added to the City Nature Challenge. No need to manually add to the project. Have fun!

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2018年04月27日 13:32 所貼文 | 2 評論 | 留下評論


Day 1 Quick Recap

Just a few snippets before I jump in the car to get over to Warren Woods.

Woohoo! Have fun.

@aaroncarlson @achang @adam_b @adamwardsell @airalcorn2 @alan_villalba @aleksmuller @alisonbraun @amaris @amybeanblossom @amyturner @andrea14 @andrewlindquist @andrewsaldrich @andrewstpaul @andriy @angelmi @annechw @annettem @anniep122 @arbor167 @arosie333 @aseeger @ashleyt2 @ashleywold @asolarte @astake @austinburoff @avalontile @b_sargeant @balsamgrommet @baxtercrowe @bbennett3 @beckyk @benjaminshonfeld @bg1159 @billieegads @bird_freak @birdnirder @bkossy @bmoneymaker @bnorlin22 @bouteloua @brendandcarson @brentmichalski @brittanyhull @brooklynfontana @bruce43 @bschrock2 @bufface @bwagner @bwsteward @cabinfever65 @camron_pg3 @cardnoclare @carolt-80 @carterobrien @caseymerkle @casteensa @casteensc @casteense @casteensg @casteensj @casteensk @casteensl @casteensn @cdawes @cghiotto @cgunnlents @charles18 @chriskozlak @cindygrau @citymouse @cjoll @clnoll @cmaso @coles-cavendish @corvusshade @cpdlauren @cqlanus @craigbillington @creativefinder @creaturekid @crusty @cwarneke @cweber1 @cynthia_r @d3038010661 @d_coulter @dan58 @danbuckler @danielmaisch @darryn @darwin11 @davidr @dayshinique @dcoldren @deansy @debantlitz @dhoebeke @diane45 @dlcarterksu @dog @donbocker @dorothybayern @driftlessroots @droberts49 @dsuarez @dustin29 @dwdwash90 @dylanfaughn @dylanw99 @dziomber @eattaway92 @educator_go @ekmoody @eknuth @ekrimmel @elana1 @elfaulkner @elliotgreiner @eluu @emily280 @emilyanne1296 @eminor @entrenet1 @ericalannan @eriko @erjanes93 @esp @ethankosdondlinger @evettegalvan_ @ewarden @farawaywolf @featherenthusiast @flexfolks @fpccoutreach1140 @fraz4919 @ggallupe13 @ggcouri @ggoatboy @gieserguy @gotta_be_the_very_best @gowillia @greenbergh @greg80 @gwen21001 @gyrrlfalcon @hayley511 @heatherbryant @heelsplitter @helen28 @hershbergers @hollisg10 @hollykatz @hudfrucci @idiaogbomoh @illinoisbotanizer @ingrid8 @irmela @isaac_krone @isaaclarkin @j_keating @jackassgardener @jackiemajdov @jacklousberg @janebaldwin @jasonsiegler @jbarthel @jbates606 @jeffcramer @jefferykarafa @jeffgrant @jennifersnyder @jennproud @jennykendler @jerr17 @jerrybrown219 @jerryhossli @jhowell @jimcarberry @jmanieson @jmb62 @jmclark617 @jmmcclo @jmn @jmpatton @joelle @joey24 @jonpaul @jordan41 @joseph8 @josephine7 @joshuaknutson @jpbobolink @justinjubert @jvreeland @jwhitenack @k1mberlyz @k3outdoors @kaarakallen @kafka1959 @kate88jm @katelynsbolds @kathleensoler2 @kbuck @kcaldwell22 @keeper @keeterscience @kellielachata @kelvin9 @kennedy9094 @kevapiva @kevinwhiteloyola @kgort26 @kimberleaf @kkucera @klaudiasowizral @knightericm @kristen57 @kstrain @kyreelong25 @laniarius @lauritalavette @lexie475 @lfinn1050 @lindemanzachary @lizchiparks @logan42 @lotsofheadbands @luis005 @lukaszhradecki @lumprvt @marapresley @marie25 @markmalitz @marniebaker @marshmaiden @marsieme @martinlucas @mary137 @marystorino @matt167 @mattmart @maximilianthenaturalist @mbeatty233 @mbf @mbrien @mepatter @mfs3168 @michaelszuter @missgreen @mjaberg @mjcarbs10 @mmcmasters @mmcnamee @mmog @mn2010 @molanic @mollykunkle @montanamike @moorschuster @mrpeagle @msaviola @nan-cee @nashuagoats @nate27 @nathanglamb @naturalheritage @naturalprairie @naturemuseumteens @nfurlan @nicksouza @nickv27 @nicothoe @norawestol @nuthatch75 @olchambers @oliviaburns @osagiearlette @owlwhisperer @paigelawless @palmera01 @patriciafojut @patrikl @paulefields @paulroots @pembrokeycc @pistodog @pitmaster @pnnmsp @pnnmyp @prairieclover @preriesmoke @psweet @puzzlemasta @rakesh2 @randomrover88 @randyshonkwiler @raquel_w @raverick819 @rbowe @regnar @rensweiler @retrofuturism @rgraveolens @rheinrichs @riccardomarchingiglio @ritafw @rjm2 @rmay @robustus_ @rubzzz @ruthstrutz @ryankiefer @ryanoconnor77 @saarahjunaid @sallydavis @samwerts @sandersreno @sanguinaria33 @sarahtheentwife @sasquier @sbeilke @scoobbi @scorchyru @sedge @seeslinger @shahista @sidb @skrentnyjeff @softserve @sophiaremias @staceyrecht @stealintv @stephasaurus @stevilkinevil @stormdaze @sunshineboudreaux @suzbot @swalquist @swampy @taco2000 @tamandua2 @tariqshihadah @taylward @tbell @tchakamaura @terrypie @themothergooz @thesnaguy @thismia @thomasgrosmichelbanana @threetrees @thunefeld @tianaelias @timidlittleturtle @timothyobrien @tippery @tkgoggin @trebol15 @treefahrner @tsc_wis @tulalola @tvalenzuela @tzdunek @urwhatueat @vanandelle @victor65 @vytukas @waguirre @wanderinghaack @wartellr @wesleybaker @whimbrelbirder @wilderless @wildernessbarbie @woodridgejeff @writemealetter @wyattwellehan @yes123 @yryzhik @zachar1 @zbolda @zoology123

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2018年04月28日 11:57 所貼文 | 4 評論 | 留下評論


Day 2 in the Books

Wow! As of this morning we've got 3106 observations of 625 species submitted by 212 different people. Amazing job folks.

Our top observed species have swapped out to all native flora--mayapple, bloodroot, bluebells, spring beauties--and then Siberian squill, mallard, white trout lily, cutleaf toothwort. View more stats here.

Here are all the events planned today, Sunday, April 29th. Join in:

7:30AM: Columbus Park Bioblitz, Birds (Illinois, Cook County, Central)
8AM: Bioblitz of Sand Ridge and Burnham Greenway (Illinois, Cook County, Southeast)
9AM: Bioblitz Harms Woods (Illinois, Cook County, North)
9:30AM: Columbus Park Bioblitz, Plants-Soil Life-Mushrooms-Insects (Illinois, Cook County, Central)
10AM: Spring Flora Hike at Camp Shaw-Waw-Nas-See (Illinois, Kankakee County)
12PM: City Nature Challenge Perry Farm (Illinois, Kankakee County)
1PM: Columbus Park Bioblitz, Trees (Illinois, Cook County, Central)
1PM: Columbus Park Bioblitz, Aquatic Life (Illinois, Cook County, Central)
1PM: Scavenger Hunt at Gibson Woods (Indiana, Lake County)
4PM: Night Hike at Bob Mann Woods/Salt Creek Nature Preserve (Illinois, Cook County, Central/Southwest)

And Tuesday we are having an Identification Night in Chicago. More info on all these events here:

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2018年04月29日 12:28 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


One day to go

Hi! It's been such a pleasure getting to meet so many of you in person. I had a great time at Harms Woods yesterday and it looks like quite a few people were able to make it to the Columbus Park Bioblitz. Wherever you were, it has been inspiring to see the number of people out observing our local flora and fauna.

Today's the last day to record observations for the City Nature Challenge, which ends tonight at midnight. We'll have all this week to upload any remaining photos and identify what we found. Results will be announced on Friday.

Sneaky tip: if you have observations that feature more than one species, you can click the little downward facing arrow next to Edit in the top right corner, then Duplicate, and then identify the other species in the photo. It's no problem using the same photo for multiple species. It's a great way to show plant community assemblages.

Here is the link to help identify:
You can then filter it further by the taxa you're familiar with, such as birds, fungi, or plants.

The stats tab on our project has a nice display of the top favorited and commented on observations. Be sure to give your faves a fave--click the little star below the map on the observation.

A reminder that there will be an Identification Night hosted by Lauren Hendricks in the Pilsen area of Chicago tomorrow night (5/1) at 7PM. Gather with other iNatters to verify the gargantuan number of iNaturalist observations that are coming in. Bring a computer, any keys/references you may need, and a snack if you please. All are welcome regardless of skill level. RSVP by emailing for the exact address.

由使用者 bouteloua bouteloua2018年04月30日 13:38 所貼文 | 3 評論 | 留下評論