FNCB iNaturalist的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2024年10月


Before Enfield Burns

Our October field trip was about documenting a section of the Enfield State Park before planned fuel reduction burning which is due to happen soon. The planned burn is set to affect an area of 562ha. We visited several sites within that part of the park, photographing and recording as many species as possible.

Along with the expected orchids and other vegetation, we found unexpected butterflies, an amazing slime mould, and some canary worms.

You can see all the observations made by clicking here. This query orders the observations by the time they were seen. However, Sunday was the first day of daylight savings time and some cameras may have still been operating on standard time, so some observations appear out of order.

(For Angela this link gives a list of the species observed.)

Thanks once again to our intrepid leader Emily, who thought of everything (including toilet paper for the public toilets that didn't have any).

由使用者 vireyajacquard vireyajacquard2024年10月08日 22:46 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論