期刊歸檔用於 2019年2月


Welcome to Leafminers of North America

Hi everybody!

Thanks for adding your photos of leaf mines to this project. Just a few hours in and there are already over 600 observations! I wanted to mention a few things in addition to what is in the "About" section:

  • If your photos are already part of a regional leafminer project, there is no need to add them here, since I've created an umbrella project to keep track of them all: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/north-american-leafminers ...If you are aware of others (or decide to start one), just let me know and I'll add them on.
  • There is lots left to learn about leafminers, so if you encounter mines that can't be identified, I encourage you to try rearing them to adults. My rearing methods are outlined here: https://bugtracks.wordpress.com/rearing/
  • For a complete accounting of what leafminers are known from every plant in North America, including mysteries that need further investigation, see my Leafminers of North America e-book: http://charleyeiseman.com/leafminers/

There are well over 2000 species out there, and the umbrella project currently registers 119, so let's see how many more you can find!


由使用者 ceiseman ceiseman2019年02月03日 20:45 所貼文 | 3 評論 | 留下評論