期刊歸檔用於 2022年4月


Mystery mine on Lantana

Another commonly observed mystery leafminer that I'm hoping someone can collect and rear: An Ophiomyia species (Agromyzidae) that forms winding linear mines on Lantana camara, L. x hybrida, and maybe other Lantana spp., in California, Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. The well-known species O. camarae makes a mine based on the midrib, with short extensions into the blade along either side:
photo of Ophiomyia mine in a Lantana leaf @silversea_starsong, Mission, TX, 11/5/2021
The mystery mines are not based on the midrib, although they sometimes have similar short branches where they encounter lateral veins. It's conceivable that they are made by the same species, but adults need to be reared to confirm this.
photo of Ophiomyia mine in a Lantana leaf @susanhewitt, Carlsbad, CA, 10/1/2019
photo of Ophiomyia mine in a Lantana leaf @dan_johnson, Houston, TX, 10/6/2019
photo of Ophiomyia mine in a Lantana leafphoto of Ophiomyia mine in a Lantana leaf @kimberlietx, Southlake, TX, 6/16/2020 (note long lower-surface portion in this example)
photo of Ophiomyia mine in a Lantana leaf @victorengel, Austin, TX, 7/2/2020
photo of Ophiomyia mine in a Lantana leafphoto of Ophiomyia mine in a Lantana leaf @silversea_starsong, Newport Beach, CA, 7/15/2020 (another example with a long lower-surface portion)
photo of Ophiomyia mine in a Lantana leaf @silversea_starsong, Garden Grove, CA, 10/26/2020
photo of Ophiomyia mine in a Lantana leaf @wsweet321, Long Beach, CA, 11/1/2020
photo of Ophiomyia mine in a Lantana leaf @terit, Natchez, MS, 11/15/2020
photo of Ophiomyia mine in a Lantana leaf @wsweet321, Long Beach, CA, 1/24/2021
photo of Ophiomyia mine in a Lantana leaf @sessilefielder, Los Angeles Co., CA, 1/2021
photo of Ophiomyia mine in a Lantana leaf @chalon9, El Cajon, CA, 7/23/2021
photo of Ophiomyia mine in a Lantana leaf @joemdo, Medley, FL, 7/26/2021 (this one has a distinct frass line and may have been made by a different species)
photo of Ophiomyia mine in a Lantana leafphoto of Ophiomyia mine in a Lantana leaf @silversea_starsong, Orange, CA, 8/23/2021 (the first example follows the lateral veins a lot)
photo of Ophiomyia mine in a Lantana leaf @biocowboy, Long Beach, CA, 8/24/2021
photo of Ophiomyia mine in a Lantana leaf @wsweet321, Long Beach, CA, 9/16/2021
photo of Ophiomyia mine in a Lantana leaf @milliebasden, San Diego, CA, 9/28/2021
photo of Ophiomyia mine in a Lantana leaf @vcharny, Dauphin Island, AL, 10/11/2021
photo of Ophiomyia mine in a Lantana leaf @silversea_starsong, Mission, TX, 11/5/2021
photo of Ophiomyia mine in a Lantana leaf @sessilefielder, Los Angeles, CA, 3/13/2022

由使用者 ceiseman ceiseman2022年04月09日 15:10 所貼文 | 5 評論 | 留下評論