Nature Scattergood的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2021年5月


19-21 July

Up on Sunday afternoon. Very hot in Ottawa (32 deg). Overcast and signs of recent heavy rain. Monday am walk to Hidden Valley and take dragonfly pictures at Green Lake

由使用者 knomealone knomealone2021年05月04日 12:42 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

2 May 2021, Spring is here

Reached Scattergood at 3 pm. About 15 deg, sunny, moderate breeze. Very little birdsong - just robin and winter wren. Two Yellow-rumped Warblers and two Turkey Vultures near cottage. One snapping Turtle and several Painted Turtles hauled out on logs at Clifford Lake. No sign of beavers at the Scattergood outflow. Trilliums just coming into flower, including both red and white. Trailing arbutus in flower near Clifford Lake. A few mosquitoes, but not biting. Many stoneflies in flight over the lake. Both of our plastic chairs have blown off the dock into the water.

由使用者 knomealone knomealone2021年05月04日 12:49 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論