Nature Scattergood的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2022年7月


23-25 July 2022

Mixture of sun and cloud with heavy rain on 24th afternoon. Toured Green (Avon) Lake south shore, finding several Slender Ladies Tresses orchids. Not many dragonflies, but Frosted Whiteface (provisional) seen. Family of three River Otters seen feeding close to the beaver dam. Mother still seemed to be doing most of the foraging although the kits looked the same size as her. A large scat, about 15 cm long and perhaps 4 cm diameter was found on the trail between Scattergood and Green lakes. It appeared to be all plant matter and could have been a Black Bear. Did not look fresh.

由使用者 knomealone knomealone2022年07月25日 14:23 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論