Nature Scattergood的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2022年8月


Autumn Meadowhawks emergence

Up at Scattergood since Friday. It has been very warm - up to 30 deg C - and mostly clear with light breeze. This morning, at Green (Avon) Lake, many Autumn Meadowhawks were emerging, sitting on rushes and other aquatic vegetation, their wings glistening, their flight very laboured. Several other dragonflies and damselflies were about, including (Res grade) Eastern Forktail, Violet Dancer, Blue Dasher, Variable Darner (photographed in flight!). Thanks to all who verified or corrected my initial identifications.

由使用者 knomealone knomealone2022年08月06日 23:40 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論