Rouge National Urban Park - Birds的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2023年4月


MAR 2023 - Rouge National Urban Park, sighting of the month - Pink-footed Goose

The last few days of March started a “Wild Goose Chase” for many in the birding community. Rarely seen in North America a Pink-footed Goose was first spotted in the Duffins Creek Corner Marsh in Pickering on March 30th. At some time the next day it was seen feeding in one of the many agricultural fields within the Rouge National Urban Park. Many birders were out and about hoping to get a sighting of this goose, a lifer (first time sighting) for many.

The Pink-footed Goose makes Greenland and Iceland its summer breeding grounds. It typically spends its winters in Northern Europe but occasionally has turned up in Eastern North America.

This months sighting by @adam_capparelli . After spending some time feeding in an agricultural field within the Rouge National Urban Park this Pink-footed Goose (middle) took flight with a group of Canada Geese. Eventually they returned to nearby Reesor pond where they spent the night.
Click on photo to see full observation details including when and where in the park this goose was seen.

Anser brachyrhynchus , photo credit @adam_capparelli

Please check back for next months sighting!
由使用者 pinemartyn pinemartyn2023年04月10日 10:53 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論