Rouge National Urban Park - Birds的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2024年1月


DECEMBER 2023 - Rouge National Urban Park, sighting of the month - Eastern Bluebird

The Eastern Bluebird, part of the Thrush family that include relatives such as the Hermit Thrush ,Wood Thrush, Veery and American Robin.
The maps in most bird guides show the bluebird as a Summer/breeding resident in this part of southern Ontario. It seems though that more and more Eastern Bluebirds are now overwintering and becoming year-round residents in this part of the province including the Rouge National Urban Park. These birds make their nests in tree cavities or excavated holes drilled out by Pileated Woodpeckers. They are also quick to put to use the many bird boxes installed within the Park. Surely this has helped boost their numbers now residing in the area.

This months sighting by @pinemartyn . A pair of cheerful looking Bluebirds momentarily alight on a tree before resuming their search for berries and seed.
Click on photo to see full observation details including when and where in the park these birds were observed.

Sialia sialis , photo credit @pinemartyn

由使用者 pinemartyn pinemartyn2024年01月09日 16:00 所貼文 | 1 評論 | 留下評論