Rouge National Urban Park - Birds的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2023年10月


SEPTEMBER 2023 - Rouge National Urban Park, sighting of the month - Wilson’s Phalarope

Wilson’s Phalarope a relative of the Scolopacidae family (Sandpipers and Allies). These waders breed primarily in shallow prairie lakes, marshes and mudflats on the plains of Western Canada. Records of smaller isolated individuals have been documented in Ontario. Wilson’s Phalaropes are long distance migrants spending their winters on Salt lakes and ponds in the Andes as well as marshes and wetlands in southern South America. Phalaropes are sometimes observed swimming/spinning in circles creating a whirlpool effect that brings small insects and invertebrates to the surface to feed upon.

This months sighting by @pinemartyn . With its needle like bill this Phalarope was seen foraging in the marsh on it’s own.
Click on photo to see full observation details including when and where in the park this bird was seen.

Phalaropus tricolor , photo credit @pinemartyn

Please check back for next months sighting!
由使用者 pinemartyn pinemartyn2023年10月14日 21:21 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論